libhomegear-base  0.7
Base library for Homegear and Homegear family modules.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright 2013-2019 Homegear GmbH
2  *
3  * libhomegear-base is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
4  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
5  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
6  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
7  *
8  * libhomegear-base is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
12  *
13  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14  * License along with libhomegear-base. If not, see
15  * <>.
16  *
17  * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
18  * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
19  * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
20  * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
21  * including the two.
22  * You must obey the GNU Lesser General Public License in all respects
23  * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
24  * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
25  * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
26  * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
27  * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
28  * files in the program, then also delete it here.
29 */
35 enum class UnitCode : int32_t {
36  kUndefined = -1,
37  kSquareMeters = 0,
38  kSquareFeet = 1,
39  kMilliamperes = 2,
40  kAmperes = 3,
41  kOhms = 4,
42  kVolts = 5,
43  kKilovolts = 6,
44  kMegavolts = 7,
45  kVoltAmperes = 8,
46  kKilovoltAmperes = 9,
47  kMegavoltAmperes = 10,
51  kDegreesPhase = 14,
52  kPowerFactor = 15,
53  kJoules = 16,
54  kKilojoules = 17,
55  kWattHours = 18,
56  kKilowattHours = 19,
57  kBtus = 20,
58  kTherms = 21,
59  kTonHours = 22,
62  kCyclesPerHour = 25,
63  kCyclesPerMinute = 26,
64  kHertz = 27,
67  kMillimeters = 30,
68  kMeters = 31,
69  kInches = 32,
70  kFeet = 33,
73  kLumens = 36,
74  kLux = 37,
75  kFootCandles = 38,
76  kKilograms = 39,
77  kPoundsMass = 40,
78  kTons = 41,
81  kKilogramsPerHour = 44,
83  kPoundsMassPerHour = 46,
84  kWatts = 47,
85  kKilowatts = 48,
86  kMegawatts = 49,
87  kBtusPerHour = 50,
88  kHorsepower = 51,
89  kTonsRefrigeration = 52,
90  kPascals = 53,
91  kKilopascals = 54,
92  kBars = 55,
95  kInchesOfWater = 58,
98  kInchesOfMercury = 61,
99  kDegreesCelsius = 62,
100  kKelvins = 63,
101  kDegreesFahrenheit = 64,
102  kDegreeDaysCelsius = 65,
104  kYears = 67,
105  kMonths = 68,
106  kWeeks = 69,
107  kDays = 70,
108  kHours = 71,
109  kMinutes = 72,
110  kSeconds = 73,
111  kMetersPerSecond = 74,
112  kKilometersPerHour = 75,
113  kFeetPerSecond = 76,
114  kFeetPerMinute = 77,
115  kMilesPerHour = 78,
116  kCubicFeet = 79,
117  kCubicMeters = 80,
118  kImperialGallons = 81,
119  kLiters = 82,
120  kUsGallons = 83,
121  kCubicFeetPerMinute = 84,
124  kLitersPerSecond = 87,
125  kLitersPerMinute = 88,
126  kUsGallonsPerMinute = 89,
127  kDegreesAngular = 90,
132  kNoUnits = 95,
133  kPartsPerMillion = 96,
134  kPartsPerBillion = 97,
135  kPercent = 98,
136  kPercentPerSecond = 99,
137  kPerMinute = 100,
138  kPerSecond = 101,
140  kRadians = 103,
141  kRevolutionsPerMinute = 104,
142  kCurrency1 = 105,
143  kCurrency2 = 106,
144  kCurrency3 = 107,
145  kCurrency4 = 108,
146  kCurrency5 = 109,
147  kCurrency6 = 110,
148  kCurrency7 = 111,
149  kCurrency8 = 112,
150  kCurrency9 = 113,
151  kCurrency10 = 114,
152  kSquareInches = 115,
153  kSquareCentimeters = 116,
154  kBtusPerPound = 117,
155  kCentimeters = 118,
156  kPoundsMassPerSecond = 119,
158  kDeltaDegreesKelvin = 121,
159  kKilohms = 122,
160  kMegohms = 123,
161  kMillivolts = 124,
163  kMegajoules = 126,
164  kJoulesPerKelvin = 127,
166  kKilohertz = 129,
167  kMegahertz = 130,
168  kPerHour = 131,
169  kMilliwatts = 132,
170  kHectopascals = 133,
171  kMillibars = 134,
172  kCubicMetersPerHour = 135,
173  kLitersPerHour = 136,
179  kCubicFeetPerSecond = 142,
182  kMilliohms = 145,
183  kMegawattHours = 146,
184  kKiloBtus = 147,
185  kMegaBtus = 148,
188  kKilojoulesPerKelvin = 151,
189  kMegajoulesPerKelvin = 152,
190  kNewtons = 153,
191  kGramsPerSecond = 154,
192  kGramsPerMinute = 155,
193  kTonsPerHour = 156,
194  kKiloBtusPerHour = 157,
195  kHundredthsSeconds = 158,
196  kMilliseconds = 159,
197  kNewtonMeters = 160,
198  kMillimetersPerSecond = 161,
199  kMillimetersPerMinute = 162,
200  kMetersPerMinute = 163,
201  kMetersPerHour = 164,
202  kCubicMetersPerMinute = 165,
204  kAmperesPerMeter = 167,
206  kAmpereSquareMeters = 169,
207  kFarads = 170,
208  kHenries = 171,
209  kOhmMeters = 172,
210  kSiemens = 173,
211  kSiemensPerMeter = 174,
212  kTeslas = 175,
213  kVoltsPerDegreeKelvin = 176,
214  kVoltsPerMeter = 177,
215  kWebers = 178,
216  kCandelas = 179,
218  kKelvinsPerHour = 181,
220  kJouleSeconds = 183,
221  kRadiansPerSecond = 184,
224  kNewtonSeconds = 187,
225  kNewtonsPerMeter = 188,
227  kMicroSiemens = 190,
228  kCubicFeetPerHour = 191,
229  kUsGallonsPerHours = 192,
230  kKilometers = 193,
231  kMicrometers = 194,
232  kGrams = 195,
233  kMilligrams = 196,
234  kMilliliters = 197,
235  kMillilitersPerSecond = 198,
236  kDecibels = 199,
237  kDecibelsMillivolt = 200,
238  kDecibelsVolt = 201,
239  kMillisiemens = 202,
240  kWattHoursReactive = 203,
243  kMillimetersOfWater = 206,
244  kPerMille = 207,
245  kGramsPerGram = 208,
246  kKilogramsPerKilogram = 209,
247  kGramsPerKilogram = 210,
248  kMilligramsPerGram = 211,
250  kGramsPerMilliliter = 213,
251  kGramsPerLiter = 214,
252  kMilligramsPerLiter = 215,
253  kMicrogramsPerLiter = 216,
254  kGramsPerCubicMeter = 217,
259  kBecquerels = 222,
260  kKilobecquerels = 223,
261  kMegabecquerels = 224,
262  kGray = 225,
263  kMilligray = 226,
264  kMicrogray = 227,
265  kSieverts = 228,
266  kMillisieverts = 229,
267  kMicrosieverts = 230,
268  kMicrosievertsPerHour = 231,
269  kDecibelsA = 232,
271  kPh = 234,
272  kGramsPerSquareMeter = 235,
275  kAmpereSeconds = 238,
276  kVoltAmpereHours = 239,
277  kKilovoltAmpereHours = 240,
278  kMegavoltAmpereHours = 241,
282  kVoltSquareHours = 245,
283  kAmpereSquareHours = 246,
284  kJoulePerHours = 247,
285  kCubicFeetPerDay = 248,
286  kCubicMetersPersDay = 249,
288  kJoulesPerCubicMeter = 251,
289  kMolePercent = 252,
290  kPascalSeconds = 253,
292  kStandardCubicFeetPerDay = -17728,
294  kThousandCubicFeetPerDay = -17726,
296  kPoundsMassPerDay = -17724,
297  kMillirems = -17722,
298  kMilliremsPerHour = -17721,
300  //Custom codes
301  kTimestampMicroseconds = 2147483647,
302  kTimestampMilliseconds = 2147483646,
303  kTimestampSeconds = 2147483645,
304  kHeatingCostAllocatorUnits = 2147483644
305 };
307 }
Definition: BinaryPayload.cpp:36
Definition: UnitCode.h:35